With These 3 Things

Life is surely “all of that,” and then some. However, it is also THE blessing of blessings.  There is nothing, nothing, nothing, better than the connection of souls in family and community. People whose style makes you stomp your feet in agreement (and wonder: where did that creativity come from?), or whose wit, gifts you with a chance to laugh out loud no matter where you are, because it is hilarious!  There are painful encounters with some, too, many of us know quite well, that can make us crouch and want to fold.

However, no matter your location on your personal walk, with these, you can step forward in courage, joy, and bold hope:

  • An assurance of who you are in God, evidenced by The Holy Spirit’s guiding you each step of the way
  • A friend you can share your life’s walk with, who will tell you the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, BECAUSE they love you
  • A commitment to staying grounded, unmoved, undeterred, un-intimidated, always & forever, never, ever, ever veering from The Way, The Truth and The Life.

I’m not saying it will always be easy, but I am saying, with these, you can keep moving forward, becoming stronger, more determined and unabashedly confident in who you are in Christ!

Remember: “God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.”

Blessings, and Merry Christmas, my friend.