The Key Ingredient You Have To Add To Your Plans

Goals are being prioritized.
Plans are being laid.
Calendars are filling in.
Dotted lined deals are in the making.
For achievement, success, and impact’s, sake.

Those who will rise to the end of year “2018 most deserving” lists are working hard to make sure they are on at least one.

But what about you? What if you are not in the circles of those with dotted line deal making clout, or invited to the table where dollars will be doled out to finance educations and dreams? And, will surely NOT be on any end of year list to be celebrated by the masses.

If that’s you, keep this key ingredient in mind as you are contemplating your year ahead:

Those who are most known, celebrated and made the most lasting impact on humanity, have this one common characteristic: humility. Those whose names bring you comfort and a sense goodness, regardless of what’s happening on the news, in the neighborhood or with the next of kin, didn’t set out to have a name for themselves. They understood who they were, and became equipped to serve the world in line with their God-ordained purpose. And today, we know their stories, celebrate them and are benefitting from their obedience to their calling.

So consider this key ingredient as you’re planning your year: aspire to know who you are and become equipped to serve the world with your God-ordained purpose.   God’s ways look nothing like the ordinary and expected. The devaluing talk in my head because I wasn’t popular, didn’t have a network, the right look, or anything else, along with the weight of my poor decisions, almost took me under. Thankfully, God came into my life and showed me His life-saving Truth about value and worth.

Here’s how I stayed connected to the Truth that saved me then, sustains me now, and will do the same for you:

  • Strengthen your personal relationship with God. He created you and is always waiting with open arms for you to know how much He loves you and the plans He has for you
    • Read your bible every day, as much as you can. (Here’s a Reading plan – it has some REALLY cool videos & you can listen to the Bible, too.)
    • Pray every day, throughout the day –  (just talk to God. Tell Him any and everything that’s on your heart. There’s no formality. Just talk. And Listen. )
  • Make sure you stay connected to a solid, Biblically sound body of Christ followers at a local church.
  • Attend church every Sunday (worship day). Make no excuses (unless it is truly an emergency).
  • Join a small group or ministry (God will use people to speak to you.  Don’t miss this!)
  • Attend a mid-week bible study

You will probably see bold statements and calls to greatness, living big and bold, and getting to the top of lists over the next few weeks. If that’s not what God has purposed you for, you will begin doubting your own value and worth. I hope that doesn’t happen to you. You don’t have to strive to be or do what God has already ordained for you. You just have to stay connected to Him. That’s it.

Let Him speak to you. Let Him love you the way He wants to. Your life will never be the same. And NOT being on a year-end who’s who list will mean so much more.

May God grant you and your family, an abundance of His Power, Provision, Peace and Protection, this, and every day.