How about making today, the best today you have ever lived. After all, it won’t be coming back around for a second try. So, rise, pray, live and give.

Rise (1) physically – if you can. Stand, then walk or jog a treadmill or the pavement even if just for a few minutes to get your blood circulating. Rise (2) emotionally. Stay on the high road. After all if you today was the only today you’d get, would you let the negatives and naysayers pull you onto their side of the street? When they tug on you, shoo them away, and if they’re the weighty kinds, then shout them away in the name of Jesus! Rise (3) spiritually. There’s purpose in your today and the only way you’ll be confident of that is to hear from The One who made your today. God will speak to you through His Word for you. He has something to say to you about your today.

Pray. Thank God for the provisions of sleep and the faculties to now awake from rest. Consider those you share the same home with and pray for their today, too.

Live. Now that you’ve decided to walk the high road and sought God for guided steps, take on the day. Go shopping. Take the children to their appointments for the day. Have coffee with a friend. Do your household chores. Attend your community events. Get out. Go. Live your life.

Give. If during any part of your day today you are touched by a remembrance of the goodness of God, let someone know about that goodness. If you see a need in someone you once had, for which God has now provided, do likewise, if you can, and fulfill that someone’s need.

At the end of today, I pray you are so exhausted from your rising, praying, living and giving, God would grant you the sweetest peace so that the tomorrow He grants you, by His Will, you will do it all again.